CORBA Mountain Biking Photos. Click on an image to see it full size.
These folks are working on the 'upper' switchback.
Back at the lower switchback, it's starting to take shape. A photographer from the Ventura County Star is documenting the action (red shirt).
Resting is an important part of any work party!
The lower switchback is looking really good now!
Rocks and cactus are planted on the lower switchback to encourage people to stay on the trail
As well as this section, there are lots of people working up above!
Colorful T-shirt!
The upper switchback is taking shape
Colorful, but shy?
CORBA volunteers talk to a reporter from the Ventura County Star
Steve Messer, CORBA trail crew leader and President.
The top of the new trail
Looking down on the new trail
Scraping away the loose dirt on the outside edge of this turn
The upper switchback is more of a climbing turn than a switchback.
Looking down the brand new trail
The lower switchback is complete
COSCA provided lunch for the volunteers after the event
COSCA rangers manage the barbecues
This shows about a quarter of the volunteers enjoying lunch