Selling raffle tickets as people register in the morning. Who gets to tear all those tickets apart before they go in the drum?
Ian Oakes (right), raffle winner of one of the Giant Simple Seven Cruiser bikes, with Giant Bicycles rep Russ Okawa
Poker ride winner Matthew Pakfar (left) and his new Trek OCLV Carbon Elite 9.9 frame, with a Trek Bicycles rep.
Wheelie Contest winner Jeff Nist (left) with Bike Warrior rep Ray Liebert
One of the raffle prizes
Raffle drum waiting to spit forth winning tickets
Part of the crowd watching and checking their tickets
MC, raffle announcer and general jokester Peter Heumann
Tossing swag out to the crowd
Young hopefuls waiting to catch swag being tossed out to them
Robin McGuire, raffle winner of one of the two Giant Simple Seven Cruiser bikes
People keep a close eye on their tickets as the numbers are called
Michael Glorieux, raffle winner of the REI Novara System 2009 bike, with REI rep Jennifer Day